This is becoming a love-hate kind of stitch. I have had to frog errors four times on this project ... something most unusual for me. I have been stitching for a little over 40 years and like to think of myself as rather an accomplished needlewoman. But this rather unforgiving chart is doing a number on my ego. It is deceptively simple with its many unstitched spaces [at least, at the cross stitch stage of the project ... these spaces won't be quite so empty after the backstitching]. However, what this means is that all the stitching has to line up precisely. Well, as many of you know, TW is the unrivalled mistress of the irregular repeat. Most recently, my aging eyes didn't take note of a 2 1/4 stitch repeat causing me to have to frog two rather lengthy branches of the rose bush. And I do hate to frog quarter stitches!
But I love the design and so am determined to get this done perfectly. Here is my current progress photo. Lest you wonder where the dragons are: the blue stitching will begin to look more like dragons after the backstitching.
So Beautiful. I love TW and her designs have to be some of the most difficult I have ever done. I doubt if anyone can stitch one without some frogging. You are doing a fantastic job.
This is looking lovely already.Looking forward to seeing more of it:)
I have two TW large kits and two small and believe me I keep putting them off out of sheer intimidation. Kudos to you for sticking with it, this is a beautiful pattern. Thanks for the inspiration!
Looks beautiful. Believe me I understand the frogging. I had so much of that with TW Carousel. I was so glad to finish it.
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